Download or Create Your Own Eyelash Extension Consent Form
December 10, 2020 by The Lash Professional.

Hold your tweezers, lash artist. Before you start lashing a new client, you should have them sign an eyelash extension consent form.
To learn what to include in the waiver and write one that covers all the crucial information, keep scrolling!
What is The Point of an Eyelash Extension Consent Form?
If you’re going to dedicate time and effort to creating a lash extension consent form, you need to know its purpose. The truth is, every lash professional uses this helpful tool. Here’s why!
The eyelash consent form allows you, the lash artist, to filter out problem clients. By requiring clients to sign on the dotted line, you remain in control of who’s coming into your studio. If a client refuses to sign, you know that it’s not a good match and that they could cause harm to your business.
Oh, did we mention that a consent form can help clear up any confusion? By writing about what the client can expect and making each party’s responsibilities clear, you’re more likely to have a pleasant experience free from unrealistic expectations.
To protect yourself and make clients feel comfortable, an eyelash extension waiver is a must. So let’s get started!
What to Include in an Eyelash Extension Waiver
To write an eyelash extension release form that’s as perfect as a fresh set, you’ll need to keep a few things in mind. Here’s what to include so that you and your client are on the same page.
An educated client makes for a smoother lash application process and post-appointment experience. In the lash extension consent form, lay out the steps a client needs to follow to preserve her lashes. Have a place next to each point for the client to initiate to agree to abide by these guidelines.
It’s also important to let clients know that you do not guarantee a specific result or the amount of time that the lashes will last. You’ll still strive to create the most beautiful set possible and prep correctly for better retention. But, if the lashes fall out prematurely or the client is very hard to please, you can point to the terms laid out on the eyelash extension waiver that she agreed to.
Every eyelash consent form should include a release. This is simply a statement that the client will sign off to show that they know the risks and choose to move forward with the lash application. To understand what this looks like, check out this section from our eyelash extension consent form template:
All risks and potential complications, including but not limited to redness, irritation, and allergic reactions to either the adhesive and or eye pads, have been fully disclosed to me. I certify that I understand these risks and potential complications and that I knowingly and voluntarily consent to the application of semi-permanent eyelash extensions.
As this section states, the risks and complications associated with the lash application process have already been explained to the client. You can do this before the appointment with a pre-appointment eyelash extension waiver that you email to the client right after they book the appointment. That way, they have time to read the details and sign off before they come to the studio. Check out the template at the end of this article.
How to Create a COVID-19 Eyelash Extension Consent Form
Everyone is extra worried about health and safety these days. So it’s important to create the extra consent form centered on COVID-19 guidelines. But don’t worry, we’re here to help.
You’re doing your part to create beautiful lashes while offering a clean and healthy environment. Each client needs to be aware of this and be considerate of others. In an easy to read bulleted list, write statements that clients must certify are true. For instance:
I have not experienced any fever, cough, shortness of breath or other symptoms of sickness in the past 14 days.
I have not been exposed to anyone that is COVID-19 positive in the past 14 days.
I have not traveled out of the country in the past 30 days.
Add more relevant statements to this list and place a line for a client’s initials. Then, jump into the next section of the form—the in-studio procedures.
If you require clients to wash hands when they arrive, wait outside if there are more than a certain number of people already inside or refrain from bringing anyone to the appointment with them, put this information into the COVID-19 Eyelash Extension Consent Form.
Make your clients feel safe and comfortable by explaining how you are working to prevent the spread of COVID-19. You can place the list of new procedures at the top of the eyelash consent form, around the studio and on your social media pages.
Then, explain that while you are taking the necessary precautions, you cannot guarantee that clients will avoid COVID-19. Place a line for a signature or initial so that clients can confirm that they understand the risk.
Your Eyelash Extension Consent Form
If you learn one thing today, let it be this: A consent form protects you and your business from potential legal recourse and informs all clients of your processes. So, it’s time to get to work. Start drafting your eyelash extension consent form, and while you’re at it, feel free to stop by and download some goodies that we’ve prepared just for you.