Top 5 Eyelash Extension YouTube Channels
October 31, 2019 by The Lash Professional.

I love good eyelash extension videos, whether it's techniques, how to deal with clients, or supply hauls. If you're like me, you really didn't even know that these types of channels existed until recently. I'm going to give you the lowdown on my fave channels, so that you can soak up all the inspiration.
Would this even be a TLP blog if I didn't toot our own horn? While we only have one video right now (and it's great, of course), we are going to bring you the best info, straight from the experts. We believe that the more education you have access to, the better a lash boss you'll be.
Danielle feels like my best friend, and I've never even met her. The info that she blesses us with is so helpful, because it covers every base. Watch Danielle's videos if you want tips on how to edit your lash photos, retention, and even safety. Danielle is a certified bad b*tch for sure.
All of LashBox LA's videos are narrated by their Global Education Director, Lydia. One of the things I love is that she's all about protecting the interests of the lash artists, and helping them grow! As I said earlier, we believe in education, so if you're looking for tips and tricks about lashing, or even how to manage your clientele, check out LashBox LA's videos.
Kari's channel makes me smile. I love how she not only educates and gives you helpful tips and tricks, but she takes you along with her to trade shows. Kari is a traditional YouTuber, crossed with a lash artist, and as someone who enjoys both lash videos and vlogs, I like that I don't have to choose when I'm on Kari's channel. Her videos highlight a lot of brands, which is great, especially if you're just starting out and are on the hunt for reputable supplies.
FabuPRO gets up close and personal with lashes. No, really. Go watch their videos. I love that they show actual lashing and cleansing so that we can see what real life looks like. It's not always bomb lashes on Instagram, people! Sometimes you'll have clients whose lashes really need to be cleaned, and FabuPRO shows you how. I also like that they have videos about mapping techniques and even lash reveals with real clients.
The takeaway here is that there's tons of free education if you look for it! We and our fellow lash artists put out this content for you, so you can lash so hard. Soak it up like a sponge, because there's more coming your way, especially from The Lash Professional.