What to Look for in a Lash Extension Bed
June 4, 2018 by The Lash Professional.

Sometimes we need to take it back to the basics and talk about the little things that help to make us successful. Without a lash extension bed, lash artists wouldn’t make it very far. It is safe to say that a little investment – on a lash bed – is a very important investment. So, let’s talk about what to look for in a lash extension bed!
Adjustable Features to Enhance Your Salon Offerings
Yes, lashes are life…but maybe you want to offer a few other things at your salon! Services such as sugar hair removal and lash lifts and tints are additions to your menu. You’ll want to be sure you have a bed that is versatile and adjustable to the comfort of your clients for ANY service. Being able to lay your client flat for lashes or incline them slightly for another service will be important as you grow as an artist.
Now, I know what you are thinking… “Should I get a lash BED or a lash CHAIR?!” This is a huge debate in the lash world, and my answer is, YES! Yes, to either. I’ve had both; I still have both. Beds are great if you know you will only be doing lashes (or when you are starting out as they are a bit less expensive). Chairs are great for when you add a few other things to your service menu! Take a look at your business and decide which will be the most beneficial for you!
Lash Extension Bed That Matches Your Décor
This may seem silly, but babes, feng shui is everything in this industry! Finding a lash extension bed that matches your décor is huge. For example, in my space, I have everything white and black with pops of gray. When I was using my lash extension bed, it had black legs and a reddish upholstery – no thanks! I purchased the cutest bed cover and it looked amazing with a fluffy white blanket draped over it!
Make sure you are maintaining the appearance of your lash bed, while also maintaining cleanliness. Another reason I loved having the bed cover; I could throw it right into the wash! It doesn’t get much better than that. Now that I use a lash chair (it’s still all black and still has the fluffy white blanket draped over it) I’m not able to use the bed cover, but I wipe the surface down with medical-grade cleaning wipes after every client.
Lash Extension Furniture Product Warranties
Now, there is no secret that lash beds are actually sold as massage beds or tables. It is what it is. Until our industry grows, this is the reality of it! Luckily, larger massage companies – because the massage and spa industry is much larger than the lash one – offer warranties on their supplies! This is good for us lash lovers. Ensuring your lash bed has a warranty will be very important. Most companies that sell these beds, such as EarthLite.com and OakWorks.com will offer a limited lifetime warranty which is great. Just make sure to read the find print.
Ensuring you have means of protecting your bed from everyday wear and tear is going to be just as important as a warranty, so make sure you take good care of your bed!
Lash Bed Enhancements
Let me start this section by saying, I could write a whole blog on this, alone, but I will spare you my rambling about all the awesome way’s I’ve souped up my lash beds in the past. Instead, I’ll just give you a few great options for making sure you have a perfect work space and a comfy client! First, find a memory foam topper. As super comfy as lash extension beds can be (not), making sure your clients are snug and content during their appointment is soooo important. Seriously, a client who is comfy will re-book more often, and most of the time tip more! So, use a twin size mattress topper under that super awesome bed cover that I mentioned before. Next, find a pillow for your clients – yes for their comfort but mostly for you!
The perfect pillow will have a work space for you, right next to your client’s head! Just like the one on the right. The Lash Professional offers a great pillow.
These are just a few tips of what to look for in a lash extension bed and what to do to ensure you are killing the game of lashes. It’s not hard, just invest some time; time is money, and if you spend it on making sure your space is perfect, it will pay off. Your clients will be thanking you, and you’ll be thanking me when your business is booming!