How to: Run a Flawless Eyelash Extension Consultation
October 19, 2022 by The Lash Professional.

Lash Pro Tips: What To Say To a Client With a Picture Request for Eyelash Extensions
Because of the growing popularity of eyelash extensions, it's likely that most of your new clients coming in for the service will have an idea of the look they want beforehand. Whether they have friends or coworkers who get eyelash extensions, or they have seen pictures on the internet (likely on Instagram), there is a high chance that they have a pretty good idea of “the look” they are going for with their lashes.
It is quite common for clients to bring pictures of eyelash extensions to their eyelash extension appointment. This gives the lash artist examples of what they like or dislike on others. Pictures can be very helpful and are a great way for you to get an idea of the general look that the client desires.
However, a client can bring in a picture of eyelash extensions that may not be the best option for them when taking their natural lashes, eye shape, and daily makeup routine into account. While it’s important to listen to the client's wants and needs, it’s also your job as a lash specialist to advise them of their best options, given their natural lashes, their unique lash pattern, and eye shape. This can be achieved by knowing how to do an eyelash extension consultation.
Because every client has a unique natural lash pattern and eye shape, it is important to treat each client as an individual when it comes to choosing the eyelash extensions you will apply. A lash artist could use the exact same lengths, curl, and diameter on two different clients, and both sets will turn out completely different. This is what makes lashing an art form!
How To Do An Eyelash Extension Consultation
How do you decide which eyelash extensions to use? By observing, and by asking questions!
One of the most important parts of the lash appointment is the eyelash extension consultation. This is not only for you to get an idea of what the client hopes to achieve with the service but also gives you an opportunity as the stylist to set reasonable expectations prior to applying the lashes.
Here are a few things to take into consideration:
1. Observe the client’s natural lashes
Do they have few or many lashes? Are their lashes short or long; thick or thin? How do their lashes grow? (Straight, down, overlapping?)
2. Take into account the client’s eye shape
Are their eyes round or almond? Do they want a look that will open up their eyes more, or that draws out in the corners?
Note: If they have downturned eyes a “cat eye” look can make their eyes appear droopy.
3. Ask questions!
- What are they getting the lashes for? For a special occasion or everyday convenience?
- What kind of look are they going for? Natural or dramatic? (*Keep in mind, “natural” means something different to everyone.)
- What is their makeup routine? Simple or complex? This will help you decide if they need lash extensions that are easy to take care of or if they are okay with a higher-maintenance style.
- Do they have any lash concerns? (Sensitivity, loss, etc.)
- Do they have any allergies or medical conditions that could affect the service?
- Do they have any time constraints? (might not be able to come in for fills as often)
Important Consent Forms To Prepare Prior To The Procedure
Consent forms are not mandatory, but they are highly recommended to avoid future complications. After all, you want to be protected in case anything goes awry!
Here are a few eyelash extension consent forms that we recommend you have your clients fill out before the eyelash extension service:
Allergy/Irritation Test Consent Form
If the client has never had eyelash extensions, you can perform a patch test 24-48 hours before the appointment. This is to ensure that the client does not have an allergic reaction to the lash adhesive.
Lash Extension Consent Form
This form should go over details of the service. It is important that the client understands that there is a risk of damage to their natural lashes if the eyelash extensions are not applied or removed properly.
Medical History Consent Form
This form should cover any medical conditions or allergies that the client has that could affect the eyelash extension service.
When To Say "No" To a Client and How To Do It
There are certain cases where it is not recommended to apply eyelash extensions or where you, as the lash stylist, should use extra caution.
Here are a few examples that should be considered during the eyelash extension consultation:
- If the client has active blepharitis, this is an inflammation of the eyelid that can cause redness, itching, and burning. If left untreated, it can lead to eyelash loss.
- If the client has had a recent lash lift or tint, they will need to wait 2-4 weeks before getting eyelash extensions.
- If the client has any current eye infections, this includes pink eye, styes, or conjunctivitis.
- If the client has had recent eyelid surgery, they will need to wait at least 6 weeks before getting eyelash extensions.
- If the client has very sensitive skin or eyes, they may not be a good candidate for eyelash extensions.
If you are unsure about a client’s case, it is always best to err on the side of caution.
Saying “no” to a client can be difficult, but it is important to do what is best for both the client and your business. Be sure to explain your concerns and why you are not able to provide the service. Thank them for their understanding, and let them know that you would be happy to provide a different service, postpone the session, or wait for them to visit a medical professional (if needed).
Between asking the right questions and observing the client’s natural lashes, you should be able to come up with a game plan, and then be able to explain which lashes will work best for the client and why. Often, your clients will come to the eyelash extension consultation with an idea of what they want, but they will also be looking for a bit of guidance.
Remember: you are the lash expert, so gather the information you need, and then be confident in your decisions!
A thorough eyelash extension consultation is essential to providing a great eyelash extension service. As long as you ask the right questions, are clear with the client about what you are going to do, and are confident in your ability to do your best work, we can almost guarantee that your client will leave happy and feeling uniquely beautiful with their new lashes!